Why Giving It Your Best Shot Isn’t Enough

“I gave it my best shot.” — everyone with a dream, right before they give up.

The question isn’t “Did you give it your best shot?” It’s “Did you give it your best shot for long enough?”

Long enough to learn.

Long enough to get better.

Long enough to gain traction.

Long enough for the world to catch up and take notice of how awesome you are and how valuable your ideas are.

Because the world is ignorant and it is slow.

The world doesn’t know how awesome you are or how valuable your ideas are. It doesn’t know, so it isn’t waiting to find out. It’s not looking for you. And it doesn’t realize how desperately it needs you and your ideas.

You have to stick around long enough for the world to find out about you and the work you do.

Because the world is ignorant and it is slow.

It takes time and a lot of reps—a lot of you putting yourself and your ideas out there, before the world can catch up and take notice of how awesome you are and how valuable your ideas are.

Because the world is ignorant and it is slow.

If you truly want to transform your own life and the lives of others, you have to stay in the game long enough for the world to catch up and take notice.

Giving your best shot once is rarely enough.

Even if you just gave your “okay enough” shot on a long enough timeline, the world would catch up and take notice.

Because the world is ignorant and it is slow.

The people who give up think the world is aware, intelligent, and fast. They expect as soon as they put one foot out there, make one attempt, the world will immediately realize how awesome they are, fall in love, and shower them with attention.

But the world is ignorant and it is slow.

It takes time for it to catch up and realize how awesome you are and how valuable your ideas are.

Because the world needs more people like you, putting themselves and their ideas out there, to make the world a better place.

So if it hasn’t caught up yet, that’s ok.

You have to keep showing up. Keep giving it at least your “okay enough” shot. For long enough. For the ignorant, slow world to catch up and take notice of how awesome you are and how valuable your ideas are.

Because the world needs you.

It just doesn’t know it yet.

So keep showing up.

For long enough.

And it will.

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