Mental Wellness

5 Strategies From Ancient Philosophy That Will Improve Your Mental Health Today

Fun Fact: The field of psychology traces its roots to ancient philosophy, and the majority of advancements in psychology are just repackaged concepts discovered thousands of years ago from disciplines like Stoicism and Buddhism. Here’s a quick breakdown of the”gold standard” forms of clinical psychology: CBT focuses on identifying maladaptive (aka, unhealthy) thoughts, feelings, and behaviors

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7 Labels For An Empowered Mindset

“That’s just the first part. What others call you, you become. It’s a terrible magic that everyone can do — so do it. Call yourself what you wish to become.” —Catherynne M. Valente, The Girl Who Soared Over Fairyland and Cut the Moon in Two The majority of my job as a psychologist is helping people untangle the damage

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